Zhe Wang, PhD, RA, EDAC, LEED AP
Wang is the holder of the Yellow River Professorship at Henan University, China. She was the Principal Investigator at Cannon Design, USA. She received her Ph.D. degree and Master of Architecture degree from Texas A&M University. Supported by her twelve years of experience in design practice in the USA (Cannon Design), Singapore (SRSS), and China (CTIEI), her teaching and research focuses on Health Design and Resilient Places for Aging. She is the PI of Environments-for-Aging research funded by the National Social Science Foundation (NSSF) of China. Wang received the highly commended International Academy Awards in Research, announced by the World Health Design in 2011 following a two-stage judging process involving more than 25 world-renowned research judges. She has published 2 books (published by Environmental Design Research Association: EDRA); 23 journal articles in the Journal of Health & Place, Gerontologist, Journal of Housing for the Elderly, Seniors Housing & Care Journal, Healthcare Environments Research & Design Journal, Journal of Interior Design, AIA Reports, and Architectural Journal; 35+ publications in the proceedings of peer-reviewed conferences. She received grants from the NSSF, AIA, Nurture by Steelcase and TX Architectural Foundation. She has served the Committee of EDRA since 2010 and co-developed the EDRA CORE program.