2017.09~2020.07中国矿业大学 岩土工程专业
2020.08~至今 伟德国际victor1946副教授
1.Wu Luyuan,Tong Jingbo*, WangZifa, et al. Post-flood Disaster Damaged HousesClassification Based on Dual-View ImageFusion and Concentration-Based AttentionModule[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024:105234.(If11.7,中科院Top)
2.Wu Luyuan, Wang Zifa, Ma Dan*, et al. A Continuous Damage Statistical Constitutive Model for Sandstone and Mudstone Based on Triaxial Compression Tests[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55(8): 4963-4978.. (If 6.2,中科院Top)
3.Wu Luyuan, Ma Dan*, Wang Zifa, et al. A Deep CNN-Based Constitutive Model for Describing of Statics Characteristics of Rock Materials[J].Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2023,279:109054. (If5.4,中科院Top)
4.Wu Luyuan, Ma Dan*, Wang Zifa*, et al. Prediction and prevention of mining-induced water inrush from rock strata separation space by 3D similarity simulation testing: a case study of Yuan Zigou coal mine, China[J]. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources,2022, 8(6):202. (If 4.863,中科院2区)
5.Wu Luyuan, Zhang Jianwei*, Wang Zifa*,Ma Dan*, Guangjin Wang. Research on formation mechanism of the mining-induced horizontal fractures in rock strata separation in the Jurassic coalfield, Huang long, Shaanxi, China[J]. Energy Reports.2022,8:9711-9723.(If 4.92,中科院3区)
6.Wu Luyuan, Bai Haibo, Ma Dan*. Prediction and prevention of water inrush hazards from bed separation space[J]. Mine Water and the Environment,2021, 40(3): 657-670. (If 2.68,中科院3区)
7.Wu Luyuan, Bai Haibo, Yuan Chao, et al. FANPCE technique for risk assessment on subway station construction[J]. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,2019, 25(6): 599-616. (If 3.8,中科院3区)
8.Wu Luyuan,Meng Li, Hai bo Bai, et al.An Iterative Calculation Method for Internal Forces and Deformation of Curved Tunnel Lining[J].KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2024: 1-12.(If2.2,中科院4区)
9.Wu Luyuan ,Bai Haibo, et al. A Water-Rock Coupled Model for Fault Water Inrush: A Case Study in Xiaochang Coal Mine, China[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2019, 2019: 1-12.(If 1.843,中科院4区)
10.吴禄源,仝敬博,王自法*,马丹,张建伟,廖吉安.基于深度卷积神经网络和迁移学习的农村房屋洪涝灾害后受损等级分类[J].地球科学(原地球科学-中国地质大学学报). 2023, 48(5):1742-1754.(EI)
11.吴禄源,李建会,马丹,王自法,张建伟,袁超,冯义,李辉.基于集成学习与贝叶斯优化的岩石抗压强度预测[J].地球科学.2023, 48 (05): 1686-1695.(EI)
12.吴禄源,朱永恒,白海波,冯义,李辉,苏承东.砂岩颗粒流平行黏结模型宏细观参数关联性研究[J].矿业科学学报.2023, 8(4):487-501. (CSCD)
1.河南省自然基金青年基金,2023.01-2024.12 在研主持
2.河南省博士后科研启动项目,2022.01-2023.12 在研 主持
3.河南省高等学校重点科研项目,2023.01-2024.12 在研 主持
4.中国矿业大学“双一流”未来科学家项目 结项 主持
5.中国博士后基金面上项目,2022.018-2024.08 在研 主持
6.伟德国际victor1946青年交叉基金项目,2023.01-2025.12 在研 主持